
94 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is better! The melody is more defined and well made. Much better there. I don't have as much to say for this one because a lot of what I said for the other one goes for this. Like, it needs bass, and a few parts are kinda empty. But other than that good job! You are improving! God bless, man!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

Darkfire96 responds:

Kinda glad, since i know what to do know.
I will work on a backround synth or something so the song would seem better.
And For the record, i was making those parts empty for a reason. I understand that it may sound weird, but the emptyness gave the song a chance to catch its breath. But yea, i guess il patch that up next time. Thanks For The Review!

Angels Gone Rogue
-DJ Chaos

Review time!

This is not bad! It needs improvement in a few spots though. I like the kick. It has a very good powerful hardstyle sound. The lead is not appropriate for hardstyle though. You need more of a raspy sounding powerful synth lead for this type. You could use a 3xOsc synth and then mess around with it. I would just watch YouTube vids on how to do hardstyle synths, that's what I have done in the past. Also, you need some bass. That will give it a more full and complete sound. So just work on that. I can see that you are learning though. That's great, just keep making music. Good job man! Keep composing and God bless!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

Darkfire96 responds:

Again yes!
Thnx for the review.
Did you check out my other song?
Oh yeah, b4 i leave this reveiw as it is, i needed to tell you that this is my main instrument. I understand that this song needs a better synth, but you will her this synth in almost all of my songs.
Angels Gone Rogue
-DJ Chaos


I never heard the original, but this is really good! It is a little short though, but oh well. What I noticed especially was the mastering. It's much better, good job! What synths do you use, I always adjust mine and add effects till they're unrecognizable! Anyhow, good job on this, it's very enjoyable! God bless!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

Chimy727 responds:

Look up the original! its great!
anyway, thanks! the mastering is better!
i usually use nexus sytrus and sawer.
thanks again man!


You are totally right man, Christmas is the best, not even the middle of Summer can beat the awesomeness of Christmas time! Great song man, amazing bass, cool leads, sweet melodies, awesome composition, crazy fills and yay for me using a different adjective on every compliment just now! I would be really honored if a great dance artist like yourself checked out some of my songs and maybe even reviewed one or two. My song [IMD]~Summer Lights is #9 on the best tracks list right now if you wanna give it a listen! God bless, man!
(BTW I am in awe of the awesome lead and what-not at 2:22! I know this word is overused but it is truly EPIC!)
!IceMasterDlux ><>

ioneofmany responds:

Thanks for taking the time to leave me the sweet review man! I'll definitely check out some of your stuff. :)

-- Chris


You just started FL? You sound like a natural man! This is very good for a beginner track. I love the melodies, and the composition is pretty good. It's definately not lacking in sound, which usually beginner's tracks are too empty, but this is not at all empty. I just have a few things to say. There are a few spots where some effects, crashes, or claps are a little offbeat. Watch out for that stuff. So I would just say in the future make sure that you make sure everythings on beat. I'm giving you a 10 because for being an 11 year old beginner, this song is super super impressive! When I was your age, I definately couldn't make a song like this. You have good potential. Make sure you keep practicing a ton with Fl, you'll just keep getting better. I'm really really impressed, man! God bless!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

XxCm4nxX responds:

WOOW THX man tht meens alot always love the feed. wow im not able to get on cuz my mom dosent let im really gettin mad but my bros. gettin a laptop so most likely im gonna start again and get rollin hope to become big im gonna put in my guittar and start on lyrics so thx man when i do tell ppl plz um and lets keep in touch ight bro god bless to you to all ur songs are amazing

Keep 'em coming!

I like it! I'm about to get off topic, but listen to this. I have this weird 6th sense thing when I'm on NG. Seriously, I can always tell when somebody has made a new song or when I'm about to get a PM or when someone has fav'ed me. Just now I thought, "I bet B4B made a new song," and BOOM! You did! I don't know, lol. Anyhow, good song. Very techno-y and it has a great beat and melody. Not to mention the awesome piano in the middle! One thing though, what part is the sequence? As you get better and better you're gonna want to lean away from preset stuff like that. It's OK that you used it, because it definately sounds good, but don't get too attached to them, it's always best to make everything yourself (that is, in a sense, the whole concept of electronic music because there's no band, just one dude). Anyhow, (I say anyhow a lot!) overall great song, keep the awesome tunes crankin'! I really do love your stuff! God bless, man!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

Beats4Beets responds:

Thanks a lot mann!
dude, thats so weird man, i mean, i just came out with this song! And i WAS going to PM you about it! xD
Yeah i know what you mean. But usally i cant come up with a song with those sequences. I just think they sound cool. Since i did this time, i was proud xD
Yeah i really won't become attached to them.... Exept Evergreen, i love that gated-pad... :\
Anywayss. Thanks again for the review, i wont have to send you a PM anymore XD


Very nice! Very good piano, it really has a lot of emotion in it. It has a very good calm melody that I love. Though I would like a bit more in terms of instruments, but that is personal preference. The way you have it, it is more solemn and thoughtful, so maybe less instruments is a good thing. Keep it up, you're becoming quite great at FL. You really are amazing, especially for a beginner. Judging by the quality of your songs, I would think you have been using FL for a long time, I would never have guessed that you were beginning! Keep at it! God bless you!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

IVoltage responds:

Once again, Thanks a lot for your review mate :)
All this means alot to me coming from you, and i really do highly appreciate it!

In the first place i did intend for it to be just one instrument and the drums, but you might be right, i'm definitely gonna try and add some different instruments and fool around with them a bit, see how it turns out.

As i've stated below, i feel that i'm far from finished with this song so once again: If i ever feel that it sounds the way i originally intended it, i will reĆ¼pload it here and let you know.

To reply to what you said, i also intended to give it this thoughtful feeling and that's also why i really wanted to let it take people somewhere, but as i stated below i haven't really succeeded in that yet, but i'll keep working on it when i've got time, so who knows, maybe one day ;)

Thanks again for the kind words IMD, it's great to hear from people that they like your work, and not just any people in this case!


Good job!

You're definately a VERY talented beginner. There is no way I could do this when I was a beginner. The composition was great. The melodies were great. It all flowed very well, and it was clearly very well put together. You even had some fade ins and fade outs! I say techno music is your thing! Just a few little problems. The samples (the kick and the one weak synth) were too weak to fit that amazing lead synth (BTW what was the lead synth?) I suggest you either find other samples for those parts, or just spice up the ones you have. Maybe spice up the kick with a Blood Overdrive. Again, I don't want to sound too critical, because the composition and melodies are great! Just get a little more going with the song. Maybe add a hi-hat in between the kicks for a speedy sound, but that's personal preference. Also maybe more synths, to cover up emptiness. When you get to be great at FL (which I know you will, absolutely) I say you come back and remix this, because it's a good song. I see plenty of potential in your music, and I can't wait to see you improve! If you have any FL questions, just ask me or my buddy Chimy727 (he's awesome, he'll help you out). I'll try to help you get even better. Great song 5/5 9/10. Keep it up and God bless!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

IVoltage responds:

Once again, thanks for the kind words IMD! It truely means alot to me to hear this from you ;)

I'm currently learning alot about FL Studio by Ste1438 and once i'm improved a little bit more, i'll promise you i'll do a redo on this!

The "Lead Synth" was one of the basic samples in FL Studio, I think it's called "Orion String" within "Packs - Dance - DNC_OrionString" (Once again, i was very limited in the amount of samples that i could use :( )

To be truely honest with you there actually WAS a hihat in the intire song, for some reason it became so soft that i was barely able to hear it and after alot of strugle i decided to F it and completely remove it ;)

About the "Maybe more synths" part, could you give me a tell where to get those? Or can i simply google it and that's it?

I truely appreciate the fact that you're offering to help me improve, and if i have some more time in the upcoming days i'll definitely send you a message!

Once again, thanks for all the supportive and kind words!



A whole new style from you! This could totally make best of the week! Just really amazing, seriously man. I am LOVIN the actual acoustic drums and what-not! I can see this one getting big. I wish I could write a longer review but all I have to say I already said. It's just awesome! 10/10, 5/5, fav and download! God bless!
!IceMasterDlux ><>

Chimy727 responds:

Lol all good man, thanks a ton! im glad you like it!
and if you could, share it around! or make a news post about it!
idk lol

Hey everybody! I love life. This is because I have dedicated my life to Jesus Christ. He is my ultimate source of happiness in life. I also love God's gift of music. Feel free to listen to some of the songs I've made!

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